A naturally healthy pond or lake has clear water, thriving plants and active fish. A healthy pond is a complex environment where fish, plants and other animals should live in perfect harmony. Sometimes this harmony can be disrupted which is seen through changes in water quality. A consistent imbalance can result in one or more of the following problems:
the growth of algae (green water), the growth of blanketweed, decrease in water clarity or accumulation of organic sludge. Although these problems can be particularly acute during the summer when the pond is most active, they can occur throughout the year.

EcoTreat Ltd has many years of experience in the formulation of naturally based products which can tackle these problems. The links below will give more information on some of the products in the range. This site is still under construction, so if the information you require isn't shown then please contact us by e-mail at info@ecotreat.co.uk and we will do our best to answer your query.

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Ecotreat Ltd has many years experience in the management of water quality issues in lakes. Ecotreat can offer a range of treatment services, the selection of which depends on the nature of the problems to be tackled. For more information on what we can offer please click here
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